
The BlackDoor MediaComm blog examines issues regarding strategic communications and emerging media. Each week, we  delve into topics that leaders in media and communications grapple with each day, areas such as: the diffusion of innovations; interpersonal influence; opinion leadership; social media; communication with government groups; message development & placement; media strategies; and the future in strategic communication.
As a longtime journalist and communications professional who’s studying for a master’s degree in Strategic Communication, I think we have fascinating topics to discuss. But these subjects are vitally important for everyone, even those who don’t realize it and don’t have professional/academic interests in the matter. 

The world of journalism and communication underwent rapid change in the decade preceding November 2016. Since then, alteration has occurred at warp speed, leading to warped perceptions of truth, reality, accuracy and credibility. 

Our democracy is at risk if we can’t get a handle on those pillars.    
To follow the conversation, please bookmark blackdoormediacomm.blogspot.com. I hope to share what I’m learning in my classes at Troy University, my observations as a media consumer, and what I’ve gathered through working at five newspapers and two nonprofit organizations since 1985. Thanks for reading!

Deron Snyder


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